The SOOTHE Circle

Wellness Support for Individuals & Families

Harmed by Systemic Racial & Police Violence

SIGN UP NOW for the SOOTHE Circle Session on August 22, 2024







The S.O.O.T.H.E. Circle

Calming Water Woman Floating in Water

Harms from Police ​Violence and Racial ​Violence Must Be Healed ​Through Community

The SOOTHE Circle was created to support ​individuals and families who are healing ​from the traumatic harm of police brutality ​and racial violence.

The SOOTHE Circle offers free virtual ​support to impacted individuals and ​families by connecting them with a ​grassroots network of community care, ​health and wellness practices, and social ​justice support as a community-led form ​of reparative justice.

The SOOTHE Circle’s mission is to work in ​unity, like the gentle and healing waves of ​the ocean, to soothe some of the pain ​experienced by our family, friends, and ​community.

Community-Led Care

Group of African Women Joining Hands in Unity

Community Support

Young man meditating

Wellness Support

Black Lives Matter Concept

Social Justice Support

The SOOTHE Circle of Support

Community Care & Support

Virtual community space connects impacted individuals and families with each other and allows them to share coping practices with each other and provide mutual support.

Wellness Support

Health and wellness professionals discuss and present mental health and wellness approaches, philosophies, practices to support the grieving and healing process.

Social Justice Support

Social justice activists, ​advocates, attorneys, ​and organizers share ​from experiences ​supporting individuals, ​families, and ​communities impacted ​by police brutality and ​ra​cial violence.

Individual Care & Support

A directory of licensed ​health professionals, ​certified wellness ​practitioners, social ​justice advocates, and ​attorneys with ​experience in police ​brutality and racial ​violence connects ​individuals with one-on-​one support resources.

June 12, 2024 Session

Rosie Chavez of Mothers Against Police Brutality will bless the SOOTHE Circle on June ​12th, 2024 at 7pm with a presentation entitled:

Presentation Title:

Mothers Against Police Brutality

Presenter Bio:

Rosie Chavez is the aunt of Jacob Dominguez, who was unarmed when a San Jose police ​officer killed him in 2017. Ms. Chavez is herself the youngest of five children and the first ​person in her family to go to college. A single mother of three boys, Chavez is a San Jose ​City College alumna, earning a certificate of completion in Alcohol and Drug studies. For 17 ​years, Rosie was a Program Coordinator, Drug Alcohol Counselor, and Mental Health Peer ​Mentor in San Jose.

She works today with Silicon Valley De-Bug, a community organizing, advocacy, and a ​multimedia storytelling organization based in San Jose, as an expression of her ambition to ​create social change after police killed her nephew.

A young father, Jacob was profiled by law enforcement because of his background. Right ​before he lost his life, Jacob participated in a documentary where he was quoted saying, ​“My hope for this film is when people see someone like me, they see the good.”

Rosie’s current role as Participatory Defense/Community Release Project Organizer with ​De-Bug allows her to answer Jacob’s calling “to see the good” in a broader way – to uplift ​the good in individuals facing charges in the criminal justice system and to empower ​families in support of their loved ones, drawing on the extensive network of services and ​resources she has built in the South Bay. In October 2020, out of more than 150 applicants, ​Rosie was chosen to be a 2021-22 Mothers Against Police Brutality Legacy Fellow.

July 31, 2024 Session

Natasha A. Thomas, Ph.D., MT-BC will bless the SOOTHE Circle on July 31, 2024 at 7pm ​with a presentation entitled:

Presentation Title:

“Music for Care of Self/Community”

Presenter Bio:

Natasha A. Thomas PhD, MT-BC (They/She + any neo-pronouns offered with respect) is a ​Queer, Black, Disabled child of Caribbean immigrants from St. Vincent, an island that has ​historically been home to shipwreck and volcano, as well as the Kalinago people and ​descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave trade, among others.

A cultural worker and board-certified music therapist, Natasha holds a PhD in Expressive ​Therapies and serves as a project director and facilitator of community care-based spaces ​and research worldwide, with particular prioritization of Black communities in the ​American Midwest.

She lives with her spouse and two children on the land of the Myaamia people, aka ​Indianapolis. Natasha is the originator and co-curator of the Black Creative Healing ​project, and a member of the steering committee for the Black Music Therapy Network.

When not actively creating or playing with their little ones, you can find Natasha exploring ​ancestral concepts of creativity and healing (particularly within African spiritual ​cosmologies), cooking, gardening, or community building with kin or anyone else willing to ​join them. She works with those who are ready to transform.

August 22, 2024 Session

Dea C. Lott, J.D., RYT will bless the SOOTHE Circle with an in-person session at

Morgan Cares

on August 22, 2024 at 7pm

2101 E Biddle Street

Stone Building, Suite 1204

Baltimore MD 21213

Presentation Title & Description:

“Daily Wellness Practices for Healing, Calm, and Hope”

For the SOOTHE Circle’s first in-person session, Dea Lott will guide the SOOTHE Circle ​through a restorative and self-healing yoga practices that may ease and calm our distress ​after we experience and witness injustices, violence, and loss. After the practice, Dea will ​discuss ancestral views on healing - passed down from African Indigenous, Classical Yoga, ​and Black American traditions - that empower us to heal and liberate ourselves.

Presenter Bio:

Dea Lott, J.D., RYT-200 is the founder of DivineSense and the SOOTHE Circle. Dea is a ​wellness consultant, healing justice practitioner, register yoga philosophy teacher, ​mediator, movement lawyer, community organizer, ​and student of ancestral indigenous ​spiritual philosophies and practices.

She has over 20 years of combined personal and ​professional experience using African ​Indigenous, Classical Yoga, Black American spiritual ​traditions, and other wellness ​modalities to support overall health and wellbeing. Dea has ​also worked on social justice ​issues, as an attorney, law professor, campaign manager, organizer, and in ​various other ​roles, for over 15 years.

She was inspired to create the SOOTHE Circle after experiencing systemic racial violence ​and after police violence harmed her family member and killed her family friend, Herman ​Whitfield III.

After going through her own healing process alone and supporting her relative and the ​​Whitfield family, she recognized the need for an alternative system of community-led care ​for the ​victims of systemic violence that is free from the persistent harms of individual and ​systemic racism and inequities.

The SOOTHE Circle ​Calendar







The S.O.O.T.H.E. Circle

About The SOOTHE Circle

The SOOTHE Circle offers holistic wellness ​support for people healing from police ​brutality and racial violence.

Through the SOOTHE Circle, individuals and ​families can receive community support, ​obtain reliable health, wellness, and justice ​information, engage in interactive self-care ​presentations, and support their overall ​well-being as they grieve, heal, and figure ​out a path forward after enduring the pain ​of state and racial violence.

The volunteers of the SOOTHE Circle are experienced in their professions and have ​supported their family, friends, and community members harmed by police brutality and ​racial violence.

The SOOTHE Circle launched in the fall of 2023 is a community wellness project of ​DivineSense - a management and wellness consulting firm located in Baltimore, ​Maryland.

About The Founder

Dea Lott, J.D., RYT-200, is a wellness ​consultant, healing justice practitioner, ​attorney, organizer, mediator, and the ​founder of both DivineSense and the ​SOOTHE Circle.

Dea was inspired to create the SOOTHE ​Circle after enduring racial violence herself ​and after police violence harmed her family ​member and killed her family friend, Herman ​Whitfield III.

In supporting her relative and the Whitfield family, she recognized the need for an ​alternative system of community-led care for the victims of police brutality that is free ​from the persistent harms of systemic racism and inequities.

Dea has over 20 years of combined personal and professional experience using African ​Indigenous, Classical Yoga, Black American spiritual traditions, and other wellness ​modalities to support overall health and wellbeing. And, Dea has worked on social justice ​issues, as an attorney, law professor, campaign manager, organizer, and in various other ​roles, for over 15 years.

Generously Supported By:



G. Robinson

J. Hughes




The SOOTHE Circle is a community ​wellness project from DivineSense.

DivineSense is a Partner of Fusion

Partnerships, Inc. which is a 501(c)(3) ​nonprofit organization. Donations to which ​are tax deductible to the fullest extent ​allowed by law. A copy of current financial ​statement is available upon request.

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Mailing Address

The SOOTHE Circle

c/o Che Yoga LLC dba DivineSense

P.O. Box 20203

Towson, MD 21284



© 2024 Che Yoga LLC dba DivineSense. All Rights Reserved.